Personal Training

Group training provides great valueOne-on-one personal training is becoming more popular. People are more aware of the benefits of exercise. No matter what age you are, it’s never too early or late to start.

  Each client is unique in his or her own needs. What works for one person might be different for someone else. Our programs are specifically tailored for the needs of each client. I design programs according to medical history, goals and expectations, fitness level and personality.

  1. Medical History: I want to know as much about a client past and present injuries and conditions. This will allow me to understand if there are any indications and contraindications to exercise and certain movements. This will also help categorize areas of primary and secondary focus.

  2. Goals and expectations: I want to know what a client expects out of the service. This will assist me in designing an individualized program that best suits each client.

  3. Fitness level: Each client has had different experiences in life, when it comes to exercising and physical activity. I believe in starting with basic movements, and advancing from there. Each client is different, so the progression will vary from client to client.

  4. Personality: To have success, there needs to be understanding. If the trainer and client communicate effectively, and have a mutual respect toward another, the workout becomes more enjoyable and increases the chance for improvement.

                Benefits of personal  Training 

-  Reduce body fat by creating lean body mass.  This will help increase metabolism and burn more calories throughout the day.

-  Develop core strength and tone abdominal muscles.  The core is the foundation of the body, which will allow you to perform functional movements.

-  Post rehabilitation exercises treating musculoskeletal injuries.  Injuries affect the way the human body moves and functions.

-  Improve balance, gait, and agility.  

-  improve posture:  proper neck and back position, decreases chance of postural deviations.

-  Improve functional movement:  Everyday movement, activities, and tasks.

- Improve flexibility:  Increase range of motion around your joints.

  I believe in the process of gradual progression. This allows the client to understand the postural position and movement of an exercise. The client becomes more in-tune with their body, which allows them to make any necessary changes in their form or focus during exercising. This is key in allowing the body to adapt to the stress that is placed on it, and in turn, the client is less prone to faulty form and injuries.

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